Responsible Customer Guidelines

A responsible customer follows the booking terms and leaves the cottage and its surroundings clean, as instructed. He also uses water and energy sparingly and he brings a reasonable amount of food to the cottage and avoids food waste.

The booking terms include instructions for both those who book a cleaning service and those who clean themselves. Waste must be sorted according to the instructions and placed in the recycling bins near the cottages. Bottles and cans should be sorted into refundable and non-refundable. The money from refundable bottles is donated to support fish planting by the Norrby fishing community.

A responsible customer respects local residents and other cottage guests. He doesn't walk through other cottages yards or go too near others piers and waters.

If you rent a boat, you should be able to read nautical charts and navigate safely. Avoid unnecessary risks when navigating outside marked routes.

When fishing, handle the fish respectfully and follow Finnish laws. Only take what you can process. Do not clean fish indoors, and do not leave fish waste around the cottage or throw it into the sea.

We offer a 10% discount or give a gift card on cottage rental to customers who act responsibly.
If you have any questions, you can get more information by calling +358 40 5686 929 or visiting our website at

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Juha Karimo

info(a) |

Norrbyntie 135, 25630 Särkisalo

+358 (0)40 540 4342